Dr. Lynn Steinberg is an esteemed professional and expert witness with extensive experience in providing testimony in cases related to the following areas:

- domestic violence
- sexual abuse
- parental alienation (general and specific expert witness)
- false accusations of physical and/or sexual abuse in alleged alienation cases.

Dr. Steinberg made history by being the first to utilize California's Coercive Control law SB-1141, which led to the establishment of a legal precedent. Dr. Steinberg has also provided her expertise in cases dealing with the treatment of adults who were abused as children, sexual abuse, false accusations of sexual abuse, and parental alienation in children's family, civil, and criminal courts.

Her work also includes collaborating with teams on landmark cases such as the establishment of the 5150-hold legislation in California's Supreme Court and the Statute of Limitations under Administrative Law, providing protection for healthcare professionals.

We encourage you to reach out for additional information on how Dr. Steinberg can assist you with her wealth of knowledge and experience.